Nomad: Letters From a Westward
Lap of the World
ISBN 0-9643434-2-8
Jason Jones
Publisher and/or Distributor:
Palm Island Press
Pages: 263
Twenty years from now
will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do
by the ones that you did. So throw off the
bowlines, sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Attributed to Mark Twain
Jones has done what most people only dream of doing.
He has backpacked around the world and done it on a
budget of $40 a day. This is his funny, insightful and
true to life journal of that solitary sojourn. Jones
takes us along to the nighttime streets of Phnom Penh,
the magnificent temples of Angkor Wat, on safari in
deepest Africa, and up the snowy slopes of Mt. Everest.
He introduces us to Chinese entrepreneurs who promote
themselves to tourists visiting the Great Wall, to the
gentle natives of Africa, and finally, to the wise and
generous friends who helped him to learn Spanish in
South America.
He describes the
sickening experience of learning
of the 9/11 attacks on America while in a distant land,
and describes the surprising strength and hope he finds
within himself in 15 months away from family, friends,
and the comforts of home.
Jones' wide-eyed
and earnest account of his trek
through 25 countries in Europe, Asia, Africa and South
America, is great reading for anyone with a yen for
adventure, and a hunger for knowledge of the wide, wide
world beyond our United States. |
Author’s Note
- A Regular Guy Decides to Do an Irregular Thing
- Leave Your Shoes – and Ethnocentricity – at the Door
- Mama-San Pitches a Fit
- A Warm Welcome, With a Taste of Kudzu
- Three Monks’ Promise: ‘We Will Pray for You’
- Despite the Juicy Girls and the DMZ, This Land Is Rough
Around the Edges
- Hello, Mr. Moneybags Have I Got a Taxi, and Hotel, For
- Stepping Into a Majestic Capital and Its Crazy Quilt of
- Exuberant Leo – A Wannabe Capitalist in New China
- A Black Suit and a Bowl of Beef Noodle
- Making Peace With a Rodent Roommate in the Mekong Delta
- Basking in Smiles as “Chief” Shepherds Us to the
Cambodian Border
- In Poor Cambodia, A Palace Rivals the Forbidden City
- Cambodia’s National Highway 6: Oh, the Horror
- Exploring Khao San Road, Mecca for Backpackers in Asia
- Rumbles in the Jungle: A Volcano and White-Knuckle Ride
in Sumatra
- There’s Something Fishy About Transport to Singapore
- A Pleasant Interlude in a Land of Order and Prosperity
- Hello, Buddha. Como esta?
- Feeling the Repressive Touch of Big Brother in Myanmar
- At the Top of the World, Rewarded for Pain and Hardship
- Where East Meets West: A Modern Confluence in Istanbul
- Stalking the Big Five on Safari in Kenya
- It’s Smooth Traveling, Even After Wine-Tasting, in South
- At the End of the Line in Quito, Ecuador, With Thoughts
of Home
Jason Jones - Nomad: Letters From a Westward
Lap of the World
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